Advocate Tax Solutions Can Get You Compliant
Unfiled tax returns can be stressful, and getting compliant is time-consuming. With the help of our experienced tax specialists at Advocate Tax Solutions, taxpayers can get organized and file missing tax years. Please take advantage of our 3-step process.
Unfiled Tax Returns Caught Up The Right Way
States and the IRS require taxpayers to file their tax returns on time and pay as much of the tax due by the due date. Taxpayers unable to file their tax returns on time will face penalties, interest, and even estimated assessments. A filing extension can be requested from the IRS by filing IRS Form 4868. Advocate Tax Solutions can prepare your tax returns and optimize your taxes.
Prevent Refund Forfeiture by Filing Unfiled Tax Returns
Refunds are forfeited if taxes remain unfiled beyond three years. Taxpayers who fail to file on time should file as soon as possible to prevent refunds from being lost. Don’t leave your money on the table. Get compliant to claim your refunds now.
Tax Liabilities For Unfiled Tax Returns and Your Options
A Substitute-for-Return is a replacement tax return filed by the IRS that may not contain your deductions or intended filing status. Filing unfiled tax returns is imperative to adjust estimated assessments caused by Substitute-for-Returns. Taxpayers that incur balances that remain balances once compliant must pay the full amount as soon as possible or request a payment plan from states and the IRS by filing IRS Form 9465. Another option is an Offer-in-Compromise, which involves a settlement of tax liabilities based on financials. Our 3-step process can make a difference. Optimize your outcome.